WillWorks Headlines

Editor's Choice.  Zen

SC Editors Choice Awards 2009

Out of the blue the other day I randomly decided to check my junk mail, which is usually left to delete itself after a couple of weeks. I had a sneeking suspition that I had missed something important. Boy was I right. I got an eMail from www.getabest.com , which I had never heard of until today, that informed me that Zen had won an editor's choice award. Overwhelmed with excitment, I decided that I had to share this with y'all.


The Zen 3.0 testing cycle has ended. I would like to thank all that participated in the proccess of getting Zen 3.0 completed. You can purchase zen at the Zen Product Page here, and then I will personally email you a set of product keys in order to activate it.


WillDisaster Demo

You can now play a WillDisaster demo online. Go to The Willdisaster page and click on the Demo link.



XYZ is WillWork's newest product, a simple alphabetizer. XYZ has the power for all kinds of jobs to suit your every need. More at XYZ's page.